Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Hair Beauty and Food relation

Some specific types of food that increases hair beauty and responsible to increases the length of hair. In order to increase the hair beauty there need some techniques of hair beauty.

Instead of medication, there need some natural food to consume.

Proton pump inhibitor

Proton Pump Inhibitor

Proton pump inhibitor is the final step of controlling gastric acid secretion. 

PPI inhibits Hidrogen pottassium adenosine triphospate enzyme which is known as proton pump of parietal cell of stomach. This enzyme promotes secretion of hydrogen ion in gastric lumen and therefore produces hydrocloric acid. By inhibiting this enzyme PPI inhibits gastric acid production.

Some common example of PPI is 







NSAID means Non-Steroidal anti Inflamatory Drug. NSAID is indicated for pain, fever, inflamation as well as preventing blood cloting.

Mode of action

NSAID inhibits synthesis of prostaglandin by inhibiting COX-1 and COX-2 enzyme which is responsible to produce prostaglandin.

Types of NSAID

There are two types of NSAID

Selective NSAID: selective NSAID basically COX-2 enzyme inhibitor.

Non-Selective NSAID



Cephalosporine is a one kind of beta-lactum antibiotic derived from Acromonium fungus which was known as cephalosporium.

Cephalosporine is indicated in prophylaxis and infection caused by bacteria.

First generation cephalosporine was only active against gram positive bacteria. But the successive generation of cephalosporine is active against gram positive and gram nrgative else.

Mechanism of Action

Mode of action of Cephalosporine is just like other beta-lactum antibiotic, but difference is that it is less susceptible to beta-lactamase enzyme.

Cephalosporine antibiotic disrupt the synthesis of peptidoglycan layer of cell wall and therefore disrupt the cell wall synthesis in bacteria. Causes bacterial death.


Cefexime- 3rd generation cephalosporine

Ceftriaxone- 3rd generation cephalosporine